Writing on travel, golf, resort/hotel reviews, restaurants, attractions and outdoor adventure for large websites, print magazines and newspapers. Providing photography and videos for above.
USA Today 10Best Contributor: Montreal Travel Expert/Golf/Sports
- Researching and writing travel articles on Montreal and locations within a day’s drive, golf resort and course reviews
- Shooting and resizing photos for the web
- Liaison with travel boards/VCBs /hotels/attractions
- Sharing published articles via social media
- Publishing stories on golf in including budget tips and interesting courses to play
About.com (A New York Times Company) Writer / Editor
- Researching and writing travel articles and blogs on Montreal, Quebec City and golfing in the Southwest, USA
- Editing and posting travel submissions from other writers
- Setting up and updating a weekly online newsletter
- Shooting and resizing photos for the web
- Answering readers’ queries
- Setting up and maintaining a discussion board
- Liaison with travel boards/VCBs
Examiner.com – Canada Vacations Writer / Editor
- Researching and writing travel pieces on vacation destinations of interest to Canadians and covering Canadian destinations for visitors to Canada
- Shooting//sourcing/preparing photos for online slide shows
- Responding to readers’ queries
Freelance Writer / Editor (Print and Web)
- Published stories on travel, news, food and profiles for Dreamscapes Travel and Lifestyle Magazine (select circulation 127,000) NOW Magazine (readership 406,000), Frommer’s Budget Travel Magazine (print, book and online), Halifax Herald (120,000), Outpostmagazine.com, Capital Style, Spacing, ETC News, Driven Magazine (100,000), Chesapeake Family Magazine, Bakers Journal, Citizen Guides, ExintheCity.com, Suite101.com., Hotel Confidential, Trekshare and Examiner.com
Produced clean copy ahead of deadline on all assignments
Writer / Assistant Editor Fitzhenry & Whiteside Publishers, Toronto, ON
- Researched and wrote entries for book on Ontario architecture
- Assisted house editor with proofreading, mock ups and editing
- Gathered and classified information for ongoing book projects
- Sourcing and working on photos/photo layouts
- Supervised five employees
Writer / Researcher Ontario Federation For The Cerebral Palsied, Toronto, ON
- Researched resources available to physically disabled in Toronto
- Wrote reports based on above findings
- Supervised two employees
EMPLOYMENT (Education)
Online ESL Instructor – Faculty of Education Queen’s University / The University of Western Ontario
- Edited online course content
- Facilitated online discussion groups
- Graded assignments
Occasional Teacher (secondary school) Toronto District School Board
Teaching English, Writer’s Craft, Photography, ESL, Media, Library and Art, Writing Instructor/ ESL Teacher (Adult Education)
- Designing and instructing writing course for employment retraining
- Instructing intermediate/advanced level writing course
- Instructing adults in basic literacy and numeracy skills
- Liaison with employers re upgrading of employee skills
- Providing instruction in English as a Second Language at the basic,
- intermediate, advanced and TOEFL level for individuals and groups
- Assisting new Canadians with immigration, housing and employment
- Ran as a candidate for federal Member of Parliament, wrote and delivered speeches, researched needs of riding, liaison with various business and community groups.
- Experience with PC / Mac/ Linux and cloud-based platforms/various software applications
- 35 mm standard/digital photography/HD video
- SEO, html experience for online writing
- Social media user
- Advanced Feature Writing, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON
- Bachelor of Arts (honours) in Psychology, Saint Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, NS
- The Ontario College of Art and Design (photography, video) Toronto, ON
- Bachelor of Education (Secondary school English) Dalhousie University Halifax, NS
- University of Toronto Summer Writers’ Workshop
- The Humber School For Writers
- Maritime Writers Workshop